Tag Archives: love

The Dangers of Being So In Love

When you truly love a person, letting go would be “usually” the last thing that you would ever do. As long as you could fight for that person, as long as you could survive every pain that comes along with loving so much, you will do it. You’ll fight for love.

This article was inspired by my friend’s love story way back then.

It’s been almost a year since my girlfriend (or should I say, ex-girlfriend) broke up with me, and I’m still lost. I really am still lost, confused, and part of me still want some things to be back the way it used to be. I

I know deep down that I do love that person. Love so much that I will do anything to make her happy, I will save money just to bring her to a wonderful place, to give her nice gifts, to let her eat great tasting foods. I will wake up early in the morning to bring her breakfast, help her clean their house, or carry her bag to school.

I have done so many things to her, and I know I have made her happy. But it was too late when I realized that love is more than just efforts and physical attractions, its more than just spending money, or waking up early in the morning, its more than just material things, and spoken words.

I lost her when I found myself falling even more in love with her. Ironic isn’t it? That’s when I learned about the dangers of being so in love:

1. You get easily jealous. When I see her with other guys, or even with other girls, I get jealous. We end up fussing about things that doesn’t really matter. I tend to bring back past issues, and make it more complicated.

2. You became possessive. I believe there’s nothing wrong with being possessive. Sometime having a girlfriend/ boyfriend is like owning something, he/ she becomes your possession, but too much of it make things even harder.

3. You forget about yourself. Sometimes loving so much could make you forget about yourself, you tend to give everything you have, without leaving something for yourself.

4. You lose the value of your relationship. Being in a relationship requires fair love. It has to be give and take. Though in reality, the other one would always be a greater lover than the other, yet it doesn’t matter, as long as you love each other, and let other give and take, everything will be just fine.

Letting go is one of the hardest task assigned to us.

Letting go is one of the hardest task assigned to us.

Its hard to imagine that after being so in love for more than a year, you’ll end up hurting each other, and worst is you both gave up. You forget all the promises you have made when you’re just starting up. You lose everything, even friendship.

I know I should’ve been more patient, more understanding, more respectful, and more fair, but maybe things are just meant to happen, things have to be the way it is. Maybe love has to slip away, maybe love has to change, has to disappear, maybe love has to leave, so another one will enter. But no matter how hard it is, or how many pains love has to offer, or how unpredictable love is, I am just so glad that I once met her, and once in my life someone loved me more than anything else in this world, and once in my life I know that I have loved so much.

Loving could be one of the best thing that we could offer to someone, and being loved in return could be the greatest gift we could ever received. But we have to remember that loving so much has so many side effects. There’s nothing wrong with loving (in fact it is a good thing), but “too much” is always unhealthy.

Love requires friendship as foundation, love requires prayer as guidance, and understanding as your armor.

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